State of Coaching: October 2020

Roxana Bacian {prev Iacob}
Coaching Weeknotes
Published in
3 min readOct 22, 2020


Responding to Forbes Council Post: 13 Questions to ask a potential coach before partnering up/ A brief sum up of my coaching practice, right now.

Arthur’s Seat, Edinburgh

1.What will matter the most to you in this relationship?
Holding you accountable to self-honesty, self-respect, and increased tolerance to growth and learning.

2.Am I a good client for you?
You are a good client for me if you prioritize your values and living from that place in a tangible way.

3.Are you the right coach for me?
This will depend on how we click. I believe in being honest about how it feels, what we can adjust, and whether a different coach might be the way to go.

4.What ROI can I expect?
Accompaniment, Insight, Perspective, Accountability, Momentum, Creativity

Growing self-presence, self-congruence and balance in relationship

5.How will you find my gaps?
Noticing through active listening, picking up nonverbal cues, sharing what I notice, bringing this into awareness and conversation.

6.Have you been where I am?
I’ve been a few places that might resonate: career change, immigration, living into nonbinary gender, starting a freelance business.

7.What is your process?
The GROW model, design thinking methodologies and body-based work.

8.Can you share some of your previous experiences?
I’ve supported clients from the design sector setting up businesses alongside fulltime jobs and people switching jobs within the same sector.

9.Do you have your own coach?
I recently completed an integral coaching programme. I attend regular peer coaching and co-coaching circles.

10.Who’s accountable? How is success measured?
We both are. Briefly, I am responsible for holding the process, you are responsible for bringing the content and the commitment to the work.
In the first session we co-create a set of programme goals which we review throughout the programme. I invite you to articulate what you want to achieve and your measures for evaluating progress on your goals.

11.What makes you different?
Ability to non-judgementally hold complex emotions;
- Commitment to growth: calling out actions and thinking that undermines you or other people;
- Personal commitment to living from my values as they shift.

12.Where were you trained?
- The MOE Foundation London — 50hrs Coach Training Certification (2019)
- Mental Health First Aid England — Half a Day Mental Health Aware Training (2020)
- Enrol Yourself — The Learning Marathon, Peer and Buddy Coaching (2017)
- Long-term weekly regular therapy (2014–2018 and 2019 — Current)
- Attending ongoing practice sessions with Association for Coaching (Current)

13.What is your feedback style?
Sensing incongruence between words spoken and body/emotional presence. I feedback this through sharing what I notice, bringing it into the conversation.

For even more context to working with me, please read Part 2: State of Coaching November 2020 here.

I’m Iacob, a certified coach offering space and support for reflection, accountability and structure to explore career, business, jobs and big life transitions. Read about my work on my website here.

If you resonate with my writing I’d love to meet you. I always appreciate suggestions and new learning. Get me on:

